Thursday, 26 October 2017

4 Things You can do to Improve Computer Network Security

Computer network security act like a defence for your computer or network. Mainly it prevents your computer or networks from viruses and hackers. A security system also includes a detection system that gives complete information about the intruder who attacks or wanted to attack your network. A successful or unsuccessful attempt of interruption or hacking, completely depends on your computer security system. Let's have a look at some of the important things that can help you to protect your computer or network.    

Always use encrypted wireless network spots-

Network security is a never-ending process, dependent on how secure you want your computer to be. Many times it has been seen that huge firms neglect the security steps that are actually required to keep their computers safe. Generally, a two to three level security is needed to log-in a computer or a network. This multi-level security is required because information/data like bank details, credit card password, confidential details and communication logs- chat or email are stored on your computers that need to be protected. The encrypted wireless network acts as a shield that makes all the difference to a system's security.

Always use antivirus-

Antivirus software is very important for the systems that are usually needed when accessing an internet spot. Sometimes you have the antivirus tool, but being outdated, it is of no use. When you are using a Windows platform, it is very important to have each and everything updated. Yes in some cases antivirus tools are not required. For example- When you are working on a computer but without any internet connection.

Keep your passwords safe, secure and strong-

It is always recommended by the professionals to keep your passwords strong. A strong password can make a computer or a system secure. Try to use a password which is a combination of lower/uppercase, special characters, numbers, and letters. Moreover, change your password after every two months. This is difficult, but it's worth the security it brings.

Keep a check on the security settings of the browser-

Browsers have multi-level privacy and security settings that can be set or changed accordingly. This can be done with a relevant access control of hardware and software.

With the growing cyber thefts, the demand for computer network security has significantly increased. Infact, network security specialists can foresee a bright future for themselves. If you are also planning to explore this lucrative career option, then do consult Code Immersives.  It is a leading programming school in New York offering range of coding, programming and networking programs.

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